Day 81 - Virus Neutralizer
Mobile Trash, Shooter, VIRUS ·Sam’s Take:
Windows Defender is the true Virus Neutralizer.
Recommend: I almost didn’t link the game, but it could be a false positive? Play at your own risk.
Replay Percentage Chance: 0%
Time Played: Nope.
Skeeter’s Take:
Jokes on you, nerds. I downloaded the .apk and gave it full install permissions on my phone. I think there’s some creative genius if a game called “Virus Neutralizer” gave me a virus.
Turns out, Windows Defender might have been trying to do Sam a solid.
Upon loading into Virus Neutralizer I am met with the following text:
Wait, “for medical students”? What is this some sort of study guide game for college students to help them cram for midterms?
Nope, turns out it’s a shooter.
That pink ball with yellow glowing tentacles is the players’ character. They control the cellular structure around a 3D space. A bunch of other floating medicine/cell/virus (I don’t know man, I got a degree in Theatre arts, I have no idea what I’m looking at) objects populate the space with the player. The player can shoot some of these objects, which will destroy them and advance the player to the next level. The virus you are supposed to shoot changes each round. I even had covid once:
And that’s sort of it? There’s a bunch of different resources and collectibles up at the top of the screen, but I have no idea what they do. I don’t understand how this game could be for medical students, other than its theme. I suppose the enemies being viruses could help students recognize the structures of them, but is this really made for med students? You could take the objects and replace them with anything, and claim it’s made for those students.
For example, if you wanted to make this game for theatre students, the player would control William Shakespeare as he maneuvers his way through a busy England street, trying to use his bow and arrow to hit as many Christopher Marlowes as possible.
I was bored, I’m jealous Sam didn’t have to play it. Maybe med students would find this a riot and I’m just the wrong audience.
Recommend: Hell to the naw, to the naw naw naw
Replay Percentage Chance: 0%
Time Played: 9 Minutes
Did It Work On My Phone: Unfortunately
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