Day 5 - Baby Shooter
Shooter, WTF, Shitpost ·
Skeeter’s Take:
After Sam’s review yesterday, I couldn’t help feeling he needed some edge and malice back in his reviews. Or rather, he shouldn’t feel too bad about not being harsh on a cute little game like Pig.
I’m hoping this game helps on his journey of self-discovery.
And boy howdy, does this game feel like it’s lifted straight from 2007 Newgrounds. I actually did a quick Google search to see if I could find it on Newgrounds because I felt like we might have played this on Flash in the Pan. I couldn’t find anything, so I’m thinking in actuality we just played 30 other games exactly like this.
If you hit play on the main menu (not something I recommend), a distorted audio file that seems to be recorded on a Nintendo DS comes blaring through your headphones. A kid yelling a countdown: “3…2…1… Kill those titty-sucking babies!!!”
I don’t think any of those words belong in a sentence together, and furthermore hearing a baby described as “titty-sucking” has my nose to a baseball bat, spinning in circles in hopes I can induce some sort of gentle brain trauma to shake the memory from my head.
After the countdown, you are immediately met with the following:

Man, it felt like coming home to Newgrounds. JPGs floating and bouncing around the screen of a static, pixelated background. There’s a certain coziness to it now.
For those confused, the controllable character is barefoot and highlighted by a nice, easy to see black box (see picture one).
The babies you see are the said “titty-sucking” ones, as described previously. Whose children are these? Where did the developer find these photos? Are the babies grown up now? Have they seen how their likeness has been used? How do they feel about being described as “titty-sucking”? I have so many questions and no answers.
Also, there’s a plague doctor, and an anime girl that spawn in and they uhh… They are also there. Perhaps that’s where the babies come from? I don’t really know, they made me skip my 9th grade health class because they said I couldn’t be “mature” about it, whatever that means. Thanks a lot Mrs. Brock, now I’ll never understand Baby Shooter.
After a total of about 3 seconds I lost:

If only I could be so lucky.
Recommend: I’ll give you guys a visual guide on navigating the main menu

Replay Percentage Chance: I had to restart the game like 4 times just to get some screenshots that didn’t read “You’re Dead” but I don’t think that counts. 0%
Time Played: 2 minutes longer than I should have
Sam’s Take:
I read through all the devlogs. In August, this guy was talking about moving on from this game and making a non-shitpost game. Then, in January of 2023 he was talking about remaking this game because it’s his most played. I’ve got two pieces of advice for you Shoodigity:
If you have to type this:

Then it isn’t a good shitpost bud.
Recommend: Nope
Replay Percentage Chance: Skeeter is not allowed to choose games anymore%
Time Played: 2 mins
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