Day 291 - Boxer Arcade Game

Sam’s Take:

I went to an arcade and played a game that judged your strength based on how hard you punched a bag. I don’t know what the numbers mean and it cost a fucking dollar for two punches. Low value. I sent Skeeter a video of it, I’m sure he’ll have an excellent opinion.

Recommend: I wouldn’t buy that for a dollar!

Replay Percentage Chance: 5%

Time Played: 18 Seconds

Skeeter’s Take:

Sam gave me instructions that he was going to send me a video and I was going to have to review the video for today’s review. I am pretty sure he meant review the boxing game from the video instead of review his performance on the game, but I opted to do neither of those options:

Recommend: 286

Replay Percentage Chance: 286

Time Played: 286

Link to Game

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