Day 289 - anime girls of riven: the sequel to riven
Sam is just reviewing a different game, Point and Click, Walking Sim ·
Skeeter’s Take:
One a whim, I typed “anime” into the search bar, and was flabbergasted when I saw Riven mentioned in one of the titles. Prior to this, I had only ever heard the name “Riven” from my good friend Sam. I know it’s a sequel to Myst - couldn’t tell you what Myst is about and, by extension, I couldn’t tell you what Riven is about.
If I had to take a guess based on my brief foray through “anime girls of riven: the sequel to riven”, Riven is about multiple instances of the same green-haired anime girls talking about “the Void”, their exploded home and their terrible living conditions.

That is when they aren’t talking about cool anime things like anime club and robots.

All this is set in a random mass of cobbled rock paths and walls floating in a starry void.

I will always think of this game when Sam mentions “Riven” now in the future. How could I ever forget the pipeless valve:

Or the broken electronic panel:

And lest we forget the dry sewage pipe:

Recommend: god no
Replay Percentage Chance: 20%
Time Played: 6 minutes of very boring walking
Sam’s Take:

I’ve been stuck on this Riven puzzle for almost a month. I know I have to place these marbles in the correct formation to power the big dome, so I can power all the smaller domes and get to new worlds. I also found out that each smaller dome has a golden eyeball painted on it which I believe corresponds to the color of the marble. I made a picture to remind me of what eyeball turns on which color light in the viewing room (which I believe is supposed to my hint as to which marble connects to which dome):

There’s an area where you can view the island from a top down perspective and it gives you a grid similar to the marble puzzle. With it I can see where each dome is on a top-down view of the island. I made a little map to remind me:

Please note that the brown square is just an oddity on the map, I no longer think it is involved in the marble puzzle. Also the top blue one COULD be yellow, I do not yet have access to that dome (I’m assuming I need to power the island before seeing it, but I’m not totally sure).
But no matter how I arrange the marbles, it doesn’t work. There are only 5 domes that I can see. This is not a problem in an of itself, even the journal of the guy who built it admits that the number 5 is probably involved:

I’ve tried many combinations of 5, as well as trying to put the 6th marble on other notable map places that aren’t the domes. Nothing is working yet. I’ve gotten so far without looking things up that I’m making it my mission in life to finish this without hints BUT I NEEDED TO TELL SOMEONE!
Five kind of looks like Riven. Fiven? There’s something there.
Also yes I understand that each section of the grid is one of the five islands. DON’T TELL ME THAT. I ALREADY KNOW THAT. SHUT THE FUCK UP MAN!
Riven is pretty good btw.
Recommend: Can’t say
Replay Percentage Chance: 0%
Time Played: Never even clicked the link
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