Day 194 - Snow Flow
Walking Sim, Short and Free, Flappy Bird ·
Skeeter’s Take:
Sometimes, I go into a game pretty much knowing exactly what I’m going to get. I thought that was going to be the case today with Snow Flow. The description says to “wander the isle and listen to music by After Wes”. I figured this would be a short little relaxing experience of wandering a penguin isle, nothing more.
But damn, Snow Flow surprised me. It is as it says on the tin - you wander an isle and listen to music. But surprise, surprise! You also get to experience the joy of fatherhood!

That’s right. Inside this little penguin game is a tale of love and life. You find a lovely mate, and make a baby and show him around the island. I love that this was hidden in this experience. It’s very heartwarming.
Also, the dev manages to keep most of the areas interesting. I liked the screens where there was a huge crowd of penguins that you could carve your way through, or the giant dinosaur footprint you can push other penguins into:

This is the kind of walking simulator I can get behind.
Now to teach my kid right!

Recommend: Yes
Replay Percentage Chance: 0%
Time Played: 7 Minutes
Sam’s Take:
I really appreciate how Snow Flow guides you into reaching its ending. As you aimlessly wander the island, you’ll see a bunch of penguins coupled up, and so you’ll be waddling around looking for a mate yourself. You see some penguins hatching eggs, and so you have in your head that children may be a possibility. It’s a simple and effective way to create that feeling of figuring out the world around you. Be lost, look to others, then find your own way. Nothing groundbreaking, but precisely on point with its goals and execution. Snow Flow is exactly what you hope to get when you click on a random free game online, something quick with just enough to chew on to feel complete.

Recommend: Yup
Replay Percentage Chance: 1%
Time Played: 10 Minutes
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