Day 193 - Doggoland

Sam’s Take:

Walk around the desert and then you talk to dog. Dog will have a few lines of dialogue.

Do this as long as you want until you close the game.

That dog was lying down. Very neat.

The controls are floaty and bad. It does not matter.

Recommend: No

Replay Percentage Chance: 0%

Time Played: 5 Minutes

Skeeter’s Take:

I am sitting here on the floor of my room with a 9 week old puppy on my lap. I was going to try to review this from my phone, if possible. It was not. That’s OK. Sam set me up today with Doggoland. I don’t need to play Doggoland, because I am living Doggoland.

Live from Doggoland: It’s Sadie!

Since I couldn’t really review her the last time we mentioned her, I feel like I have a good preliminary read on her now.

She is a sweetheart. She loves people, she loves saying Hi to people. Very friendly. She’s just a baby, so she has a lot to learn. She doesn’t know shit about the world, and I can’t wait to see her discover it.

Its her first night away from her siblings and mother, so she’s having a bit of a rough time. She is completely chill and happy as long as I (or anyone else) have physical contact with her but as soon as I stand up or walk away, she starts whining. It will be a process. It’s got to be rough to be thrown into a new environment, with new people and animals and smells and sounds and not have the familiarities you used to rely on for comfort.

Its her first day, but potty training will be a slow process. She’s at least hitting the potty mats that I threw down a quarter of the time, so that’s pretty good.

I’m deathly afraid of Parvo. She’s at the age where she’s prone to it, and I live in an area where a lot of dogs use the same grass and people don’t clean up after their animals that well. I’m taking precautions and took vet advice on how to avoid, but it doesn’t feel like enough. She’s had some vaccines, but hasn’t finished the whole routine yet since she’s young. Man, that shit is scary (literally)!

I’m worried about my roommate’s dog adjusting. Me and her have a very close bond and she’s been the only dog in the household for a long time. I used to give her a ton of attention and just with the nature of the new dog being a little baby, and being my responsibility, the new dog is going to take a lot of my attention. I’m sure my roommate’s dog will adjust, but I am worried that our relationship will be different from here on out. It’s kind of sad, in a way. I love her, and she might not feel like it for a little while. I know you can’t read, but I do love you! I just need to teach this little squirt how to live first and we can go back to couch cuddles, if you’d let me!

I’m excited. There’s a long and hard journey ahead of me, but I think it will be rewarding.

I’m sorry I didn’t play Doggoland. Perhaps when things settle down tomorrow I’ll try to find the time. I hope this stream-of-conscious-late-night-new-puppy-owner journal entry kept you entertained on our game review blog.

Have a good night folks!


Gotta hand it to them, that is one cute dog!

Recommend: Dog

Replay Percentage Chance: maybe tomorrow, but not a new review. I’ll update here. UPDATE 0%

Time Played: I DIDN’T I’M SORRY - UPDATE: I DID: ~4 Minutes

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