Day 168 - Slenderclown: Be Afraid Of It!
SPOOKY MONTH!, Shooter, Horror ·Skeeter’s Take:
Replay Percentage Chance:
Time Played:
Sam’s Take:
Slenderclown: Be Afraid of It is one of the funniest games we’ve played for this site. Right off the bat, that name- NAY! The command! Slenderclown: Be Afraid of It! I don’t need to explain why that is excellent, the only reason you clicked on this review was because of how good that title is. Once you get into the main menu, you’ll notice the next killer feature of the game: the soundtrack. Maybe I’m just a freak, but nothing makes me laugh harder than a developer deciding that a seven second loop was good enough for an entire game. We’ll listen to it later, don’t you worry.
Then you start the game. Your mouse sensitivity is permanently set to a level somehow both too weak and too strong, like the mouse has momentum. Maybe at some point you press the x button and realize that you can go prone in this game. You’ll enjoy making serpentine motions for a while before the glitch happens.
What’s the glitch? WHO KNOWS! For me it was different every time. I grabbed an item through a wall and crashed the game once, another time the garage door got stuck, barring me entry and also crashing the game. Once I pressed crouch and the game thought I said “crash”. My last run I got some bug where moving my mouse around waved the gun in that direction instead of turning the screen. Check this video to see what I mean (also your chance to enjoy the soundtrack I referred to earlier):
The enemies don’t pose any threat. They appear when you grab an item, run in a straight line, and die in a few hits. Even if they get you, the damage they do is negligible. The real thing stopping you from beating this game is figuring out the arcane movements needed to keep it running.
I will come back to this game. I will finish this game. I will collect the 9 red balloons.
Skeeter how the fuck did you find this and why is it on!
Recommend: Yes
Replay Percentage Chance: like 60 or something
Time Played: 15 Minutes
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