Day 123 - (OMG!) Hungry Mouse
Horror, Creepypasta, Disney Trash ·
Skeeter’s Take:
I’d like to proposition a name change for Roblox. I’m thinking something like “Fever Dream Simulator” might more accurately describe every game we’ve played in Roblox thus far. And (OMG!) Hungry Mouse is no exception.
Much like Crime Kitchen from yesterday, I cannot tell what the hell is happening in this game. I was thrown into a “creepy” and foggy version of Mickey’s playhouse. “Scary” Disney characters growl and shake when you get close to them.

Unlike Crime Kitchen, (OMG!) Hungry Mouse at least gives the player a minimal amount of instruction.

I couldn’t for the life of me figure out where these cheeses were hiding. I did accidentally happen to pick one up after I found this car and was driving around hap-hazardly:

As soon as I picked up the cheese, one of the nearby horror-fied Disney mascots came sprinting at me and killed me dead.
I think this is supposed to be the main gameplay loop: Grab Cheese ===> Run Around and Try to Not Get Eaten. Might be scary and exhilarating for someone getting ready to graduate to Middle School.
Unfortunately, I am not that.
Recommend: No
Replay Percentage Chance: 0%
Time Played: 5 Minutes
Sam’s Take:
I think I figured this one out. The scary characters are eating cheese, you can take it by running into them. After this they’ll get pissed and twitch around for a moment, giving you time to run. Then they will endlessly chase and kill you. The issue is there is no penalty for death. You get to keep the money for grabbing the cheese even after you die, so you might as well just take it and stand on top of them like the Sigma-Chad you are.

I feel like I’ve been growing a little more negative towards games since the start of our reviews. Part of this is just the passage of time, playing an amateur game a day can wear you down. Part of this is us traveling away from the front page into the forbidden depths.
(OMG!) Hungry Mouse isn’t any worse then some game-jam projects we let slide, but those games didn’t present five different monetization options in a single screenshot:

123 reviews in, I’m sure I’ve been too harsh on a game that didn’t deserve it, but when you ask me to bust out the credit card, then I’m not comparing you to Jumb anymore, I’m comparing you to Dread Delusion. I don’t care that I can technically play for free, I accidently clicked something that made the Robux purchase screen pop up five times in five minutes playing this game. So far the only Roblox game not guilty of this is Be NPC or Die. I’ll explain the philosophy behind this stance in our inevitable Roblox wrap up, but Roblox is scum. I didn’t understand it before, but now I just hate it.
There is not one game here that wouldn’t be improved by going to a new engine, removing the microtransactions, and just costing $5. Sure, a game like (OMG!) Hungry Mouse wouldn’t get enough plays to sustain itself, but that’s fine. Very fine. Excellent actually.
Recommend: No
Replay Percentage Chance: 0%
Time Played: 5 minutes
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