Day 95 - Karaoke on a Monday Afternoon

Sam’s Take:

Skeeter and I did Karaoke for like 5 hours irl today, then realized it was 1am and we still needed to do a review. Thank Christ someone made a shitty DDR clone with a funny name. It doesn’t even tell you how you did at the end, so catching your score before it fades to black is part of the game.

It is not very good, but exactly what I needed today.

Recommend: No, unless you are me or Skeeter right now

Replay Percentage Chance: 0%

Time Played: 2 Minutes

Skeeter’s Take:

If you ever want to press your arrow keys slightly out of time set to a 30 second song snippet, I’ve got the game for you!

If you want to press your arrow keys slightly out of time for 30 seconds and then listen to the entirety of Gourmet Race from the Kirby games while your character stands there with a microphone in silence, boy howdy it’s time to play Karaoke on a Monday Afternoon!

Since Sam didn’t take the low hanging fruit here: We played Karaoke on a Monday Afternoon on an early Sunday morning after doing Karaoke on a Saturday Night.

Recommend: No whey, Jose

Replay Percentage Chance: 0%

Time Played: 90 Seconds

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