Day 73 - Project IIXI Prototype
WTF, Nightmare Fuel, Immersive Sim ·
Skeeter’s Take:
Project IIXI Prototype puts the player in the shoes of this character:

This little guy changes the entire color of his aura to a nice teal every time he moves:

The player is dropped into a room that contains a single red stick guy who’s just hanging around:

You cannot interact with this red stick man - he’s only there to chill and be red. Looks peaceful.
The player can leave red dude to meditate and head to the next (and only other) room:

Now, I’m not sure if (in universe) the cat is supposed to be an anthropomorphic cat, or another stick figure wearing a mascot costume, but I’m leaning towards the latter since we’ve only seen stick figures up until this point of the game.
Anyway, the player can then interact with this costume wearing wacko and the screen will fade to the following end screen:

Death? The Void? Unfinished ending to an unfinished game? You decide! EPICRAPBATTHELSOFHISTORYYYY
Recommend: What even is this?
Replay Percentage Chance: Why was this made?
Time Played: Do you think there’s a deeper meaning? Could it be a symbolic experience meant to lead the player into confronting their own tortuous mind?
Sam’s Take:
IIXI isn’t even a real roman numeral. There is nothing tangible with this game, to the point where it is almost an art installation.
Stare into the void and the void stares back.
I’m on a beach vacation with my family reviewing Project IIXI Prototype.
Recommend: Yes. If you played it right after you read “yes” then you got PUNKED. My real answer is no.
Replay Percentage Chance: 00000000000%
Time Played: 1 Minute
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