Day 52 - fun doom bootleg
Shitpost, Shooter, WTF ·Skeeter’s Take:
A bit of a misleading title on “fun doom bootleg”
“fun” - no
“doom” - kind of
“bootleg” - maybe?
This seems like something someone threw together in an evening to practice Construct 3. Boy, we’ve been saying that a lot. Seems to be the M/O on We are essentially either reviewing rough drafts or concepts of games, or something someone made in 3 days for a game jam.
Sometimes it feels like I am running through the halls of an elementary school carrying several copies of “To Kill a Mockingbird”, entering random classrooms to look at the assignments posted on the wall, and holding up my Harper Lee novels next to them to unfairly compare and contrast the two. Then I take my big red sharpie, cross out the “B+” given by the teacher, and just write “NOPE NAW TRY AGAIN”, while never having written a novel myself.
Fun doom bootleg takes the classic Doom hud (along with the pistol and shotgun), copy and pastes that over an abandoned Japanese street art, and then sends infinite amount of the same photo of the same green clip art monster:
Aww, ain’t he cute? Reminds me of the Mucinex snot monster:
I just realized I need to cop myself a “Team Mucus” tank top ASAP.
Anyway, my favorite feature of fun doom bootleg is the fact that you can let the game run and it will infinitely fill your screen with Marcus Mucus himself (you cannot lose):
This was the most fun I was able to extract for myself from fun doom bootleg. Look at that Monster Mash! It’s a damn god Graveyard Smash!
I will say, if you play the game as the dev intended (shooting a monster as soon as it shows up), I could see fun doom bootleg replacing Aimlabs in a few years. Throw on fun doom bootleg before your Overwatch game and you’ll be killing Genjis in no time! Just kidding. Nobody plays Overwatch anymore because it’s a TRASH game sequel with GARBAGE gameplay and $40 anime skins.
Recommend: No-way Hose-B
Replay Percentage Chance: 0%
Time Played: 6 mins
Sam’s Take:
Sorry I don’t want to review this game. I’d rather review my new game: Fun fun doom bootleg Bootleg:
Recommend: No
Replay Percentage Chance: The other 0%
Time Played: 1 Minute
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