Day 46 - Re-Spawn

Sam’s Take:

Re-Spawn feels more like a proof of concept rather than a full game. The concept is simple, it’s a classic 2D platformer with the added twist that you can carry/throw your respawn point. Basically, you throw the spawn point where you want to end up:

Purposefully walk into a hazard:

Then poof! You’re right where you need to be.

It’s a good idea, and for a 72 hour game jam, it’s impressively polished. The re-spawn mechanic also solves the classic problem of how often to include save points in your platformer, since it is baked into the mechanics. The reason I say it feels more like a proof of concept is just that it’s so easy. The only real trick this game has is “make jump that’s too long or high” then solves it with “throw respawn point higher or further than you can jump”. The way it’s designed now is like a puzzle game but there is no depth to the puzzles. You could go a more hardcore platformer route, where you have to quickly throw the point in mid air, or do some double respawn shenanigans, or some combination of the two. As it stands, it seems like they mostly got the mechanic to work then designed a quick simple five minute game to prove its functionality.

I don’t mean this as an insult, I think this makes a lot of sense as a 72 hour game jam game. I think this mechanic could go a long way, and I hope they make a longer version with deeper mechanics and better music. Anyone that’s even thought about game design would get a million level ideas from playing this game, and I think that’s the sign of a good core.

So again I have to question the purpose of these reviews. If I am recommending you play this game… it’s okay, you won’t get much out of it unless you want to analyze its mechanics. Am I recommending the creator Blazer take the time to make a full, more thought out version? Absolutely. There’s gold in them there hills, and I’d be pumped to see a full Re-Spawn game pop up in my feed.

Recommend: It’s short and free. You can.

Replay Percentage Chance: 0% this version 100% if a full version releases while we are still doing this.

Time Played: 7 Minutes

Skeeter’s Take:

I had some similar thoughts as Sam about Re-Spawn.

As I was playing through, I thought the concept of a throwable respawn point was great. It’s a mechanic with a lot of potential while still keeping it simple. Throw ball, die, teleport to ball. I got to the end of what I thought was the tutorial, only to be met with a “The End” screen. That’s when I read that this was a game jam game. It all made sense, but my selfish consumer gamer brain wanted more.

I think the core concept of Re-Spawn is solid, and could easily be expanded upon if the developers ever felt the desire to. Just some simple environmental changes could add to the complexity without changing the mechanic itself.

For example, the red spike hazard is already established. Adding more spikes is a good way to add to the challenge. I’ve expertly drafted a professional example on AutoCAD below:

Sure, this pattern of spikes isn’t revolutionary. I’m sure anybody who’s played a platformer with spike hazards has seen this same sort of trap before, but it still illustrates the concept. There’s a lot that can be done with what they have established already.

There’s also potential to add other hazards and traps later. Here’s another example you’ve probably seen - the Treadmill:

Again, this isn’t groundbreaking, but the treadmills could move the respawn ball while it’s on the track, adding an element of speed to the challenge. If the player isn’t quick enough to die, or throw the ball to the next track, they lose. You could even be extra annoying and make the third treadmill go in the opposite direction as the other two.

I understand this is a “game jam” game made in 72 hours. I hope my professional drawings didn’t give the impression I was critiquing the lack of treadmills. What I’m trying to say is, there’s a really good stock to this game stew and a few carrots and onions would bring this to a full boil. There’s real potential for a full, fun platformer/puzzle game here and it almost makes me sad there isn’t a full release. Blazer (developer according to the page), if you ever get a wild hair and want to make more of this game, I’d play the hell out of it.

Recommend: Sure

Replay Percentage Chance: 5%

Time Played: 10 mins

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