Day 44 - Duck on an Island (beatable)
Point and Click, Bangers, Duck Game ·Sam’s Take:
This game has sauce dude. Duck is CUTE, music is BOPPIN’, the house comes out of the sand, and that’s funny. They released this game with a bug that made it unbeatable the first time, so they gave us a whole new beatable version. They did not fix their misspelling of “acquired”, but I probably wouldn’t have noticed if my wife hadn’t glanced over and said “they spelled ‘acquired’ wrong”.
I’m pretty sick today, so maybe I’m confused and delirious, but I enjoy this screen where your little duck fins (flippers?) come out to smother your broken walkie-talkie in glue.
Am I wrong for being charmed by Duck on an Island? Probably… but you should check it out just to hear that banger track. BWAA BAWW BWEEBIDEE DOOBAA DOOBEEDOOOOOOO.
Recommend: Yes
Replay Percentage Chance: 2%
Time Played: 15 Minutes
Skeeter’s Take:
No microtransactions. No battle pass. Just a complete(ly beatable) experience right out of the box!
Recommend: No
Replay Percentage Chance: 1%
Time Played: 7 Minutes
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