Day 40 - Milky for the Way

Sam’s Take:

You move a ship and press the mouse button to abduct cows. The only good thing about this game is if you move past a cow with your tractor beam on (pressing and holding the mouse button) the cow will move towards your ship, but won’t disappear and become fully abducted until it reaches you. This means you can run away from the cows being abducted, which leads to this excellent screenshot:

Other than providing me with my new laptop background, this game doesn’t have much value. It was made in 72 hours for a game jam, so credit where credit is due, it’s playable. Like all of these game jam games, it wasn’t meant to be reviewed in this way. This is my fault.

Recommend: No

Replay Percentage Chance: 0%

Time Played: 3 Minutes

Skeeter’s Take:

I first played through Milky for the Way without noticing the timer in the upper right corner. I was just wandering around abducting cows and crops wondering what the point of the game was. I was pretty surprised when the game over screen appeared and notified me of the total points in the level:

Alright, so it’s a time trial game. I did pretty well my first play through, so I figured I would go for the max points and post a screenshot to brag to all my friends.

I was so naive. So young and innocent. It was downright difficult to try to get to every point on the farm. In fact, it nearly felt impossible for me. I played for almost [redacted] mins, and let me tell you, I had a journey.

At first, I was just aimlessly grabbing whatever cow or crop I could, but by the end of it I was planning my route around the farm to be the most efficient possible. Not a second could be spared. One missed corn would equate to several seconds of backtracking to grab it. And I couldn’t spare several seconds.

I finally had the run of my life - the best I had done. I was finishing up the corn at 58 seconds and just had to clear a few lower map cows and the pumpkins. I could do it, I just had to focus up. My heart was racing when I circled over the last pumpkin right as the last second dropped. I had done it. I had cleared everything.

I excitedly awaited my end screen:

Wait a second! 4468 points?? 4468? That’s not 4518! What happened?

Well, cows are worth 50 points. Betsy must have sprained my ankle with a sick juke.

Thankfully, it was around this time I also noticed that I could very, very, slowly move my UFO saucer through the endscreen. More importantly I could still use the tractor beam as well. The missing starting menu, pause menu, and exit key finally turning their hydra heads towards the developer instead of me for once. I was about to ride that hydra into battle and exploit the hell out of this newfound power. I slithered out into the farm, to right my wrongs and put my doubts to rest.

And that’s when I found her:

The cow that crushed my dreams.

I did what any sane alien would do in my position, I slowly floated over her stupid black and white body, and hoover-d that heifer right on up.

Hey, wait a second:

Ehh, close enough.

Recommend: No

Replay Percentage Chance: 0%

Time Played: 28:53

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