Day 312 - Bunny Game
Platformer, Nightmare Fuel, Mass Effect 1 ·
Skeeter’s Take:
Bunny Game is clunky. You goal is to get to the Easter Egg on each level, which acts as a key to unlock the door and allows you progress to the next level:

Unfortunately, most of the time, this “clunky-ness” I referred to earlier is the main challenge of each level. The Bunny will stick on walls, fall partially through the floor, and sometimes it will just ignore inputs. This doesn’t make completing the game impossible, but it does add a level of challenge that I think was unintended.

Bunny Game also utilizes the Pac-Man “screen wrap” mechanic where if your character moves off one side of the screen, they will be teleported to the opposite side:

I like this idea for a platformer. I think there is a lot that could be done with this concept in a full game. I give Bunny Game some props for this. It would have been very easy to design a simple platformer without this mechanic, but it does add a much needed layer to the gameplay.
This mechanic also works when the bunny falls into the floor or jumps into the ceiling. This is honestly my favorite part of Bunny Game, as the player’s bunny gradually speeds up until it fades completely from existence. I had a pretty good giggle watching the emotionless anthropomorphic rabbit stand statically still in the air while it had its atoms phased into another plane of existence.
Recommend: No
Replay Percentage Chance: 0%
Time Played: 4 minutes
Sam’s Take:
Yo Skeeter, why did you do a joke MS Paint title screen when this game already has a title screen?

Recommend: No
Replay Percentage Chance: 0%
Time Played: 2 Min
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