Day 304 - Trivia Night at Applebees

Sam’s Take:

Oh fuck oh shit we forgot to review.

Fuck it’s midnight uhh… okay Trivia Night at Applesbee’s!

You answer trivia and die via bees if you answer a question wrong.

All the characters have clocks on their faces? Fuck sorry, we don’t have time, sorry guys! Uhh, that’s the review, thanks for reading! Remember to like, comment, and kill me please God just fucking kill me.

Recommend: No

Replay Percentage Chance: 0%

Time Played: IDK

Skeeter’s Take:

It’s midnight and there isn’t much more to say other than when asked “How many eyes does a bee have” Butt Option was wizzardily amongst the numbers:

SAM NOTE: Skeeter chose to write 'wizzardily' and also submitted it to Google as a real word that should have a red squiggle
SAM NOTE: Skeeter chose to write 'wizzardily' and also submitted it to Google as a real word that should have a red squiggle

I don’t know what it means, but it sure sounds funny.


Replay Percentage Chance:

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