Day 272 - Ingenous Personality Quiz
pee pee fart, WTF, Nightmare Fuel ·
Skeeter’s Take:
Ingenious Personality Quiz is ingenious in the fact that they whittle down the standard 4 questions to two. It reinvents the personality quiz genre by giving the player two options, neither of which they would normally click on:

Some questions are more concerning than others:

And others will leave you screaming at the quiz:


“Two bears… high-fiving…”
Where’s the Nexus mod page for Ingenious Personality Quiz? I need to fix something real quick.
And at the end of it all, IPG is about as accurate as the Myers-Briggs:

Recommend: No
Replay Percentage Chance: We’re still doing this?
Time Played: 5 minutes
Sam’s Take:
It starts out with some freakish false dichotomies:

Before going into questions that I don’t even understand. What’s the second fear in this screenshot? My guess is poverty, but it could be window A/C units.

Is this cop vs clown, or park ranger vs clown?

You can scroll through the personality types at the end and fucking jesus man:

What the fuck were we doing in 2008 guys? Why did we hate everyone so much? Why the fuck were we writing criticismless reviews of games with scores using decimal points? Why do we need that level of granularity if we don’t even know how to type a full sentence?!

This game’s creator and all of these commenters grew up and voted for Trump. Dumb but ok. I actually think its okay,overall,5.5 out of 10.
Recommend: 5.5 out of 10
Replay Percentage Chance: 55%
Time Played: 2008 years
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