Day 270 - Bubble Oops
Shitpost, WTF, Mass Effect 3 ·
Skeeter’s Take:
There has to be a Bubble themed game jam going on at the moment, because the newest submissions tab in is crawling with bubble-centric games.

In hindsight, I really should have opted for Bublé Boba - that game looks rad.
I say this with the best intentions - but I’m sorry Apokrypha, but I think your game actually needs to work if you are going to have any shot of winning the “Bubble Bowl”. I did zero research. I have no idea what this game jam is called. But if it’s not called the “Bubble Bowl”, I’m going to want to throw hands.
[EDIT: I ended up putting in the few extra seconds to do research and it’s called the Devs That Jam GGJ 2025 and all I have to say is MISSED OPPORTUNITY]

The title screen prompts the player to “click to blow wind !!”

My friends, I was clicking like crazy. I tried all different methods of clicking - right, left, click-and-hold, click-and-drag, etc. Hell, I even mashed the keys on my keyboard in hopes of being the one monkey on the typewriter that finally figured Shakespeare out. Nothing I did really seemed to move the bubble. It would just fall and hit the ground, and then the level would reset and repeat the process. The stupid ass Superman 64 hoop I’m clearly supposed to guide the bubble through just sat there and watched my failure.
I did manage to influence the bubble’s trajectory very, very slightly a few times. It was almost not even noticeable. That’s how little the thing moved, but it did move! I couldn’t tell you how I managed to pull off this feat. It seemed more like pure chance than my clicks actually influencing the bubble.

I hope you will allow me to get incredibly petty for a moment - you probably know my inclination to get very petty over the smallest things by this point - What the fuck is “Oopsing”?

Oops is an expression interjection!

How can you be “oopsing” something? It sounds like baby speak to me. “Uh oh, I keep oopsing a stinky winky into my diaper! Uh oh! Oopsing Daisy!” Look, even Google Docs recognizes “oopsing” for the bullshit it is:

Oopsing has nothing to do with wind, nothing to do with bubbles. What does it meeeaaan? What does it all meeeeaaann? Why is the game called “Bubble Oops”? The only “Oopsing” being done was during the dev cycle when Apokrypha decided on “oopsing”.
I don’t know why I am getting so bent out of shape about Oopsing, but it ended up being the dagger that stabbed any chance of me choosing Bublé Boba.
I’m kind of coming around to it now, though. I might start oopsing “oopsing” into my everyday vocabulary, which may be a problem considering how already limited it is.
I should have picked Bublé Boba.

Recommend: Noopsing
Replay Percentage Chance: 0%psing
Time Played: 10opsing
Sam’s Take:
Recommend: No
Replay Percentage Chance: 0%
Time Played: 5 Minutes
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