Day 253 - Author's Purpose
WTF, Educational, No Music ·
Sam’s Take:

Wait that looks famili-

Oh no…

They’re… all the same aren’t they?

It was never a game.
It was a genre.
Recommend: EVERY DAY
Replay Percentage Chance: IS EXACTLY
Time Played: THE SAME
Skeeter’s Take:
Honestly, the fact that there are a bunch of different “Human Body” type games from the same author is mind blowing.
I really hope they are as insane as “Author’s Purpose” and “Human Body”.
It’s hard to figure out exactly what “Author’s Purpose” wants from you initially.

At first, I thought we the player were supposed to decide how to respond to the situation. Like if someone came up to you, would you try to persuade them that their belief was incorrect, or would you entertain their belief.
This is very much not the case. As the title suggests, the player must determine the NPCs intent (or “purpose”) behind their words.

The insane thing about these games and dev is the lack of attention to detail and the chaos that creates.
Take for instance, the below:

Did you know fidget were invented in 1476? I certainly did not! But what’s more is the text runs behind the player option boxes, so you can’t even read a good portion of the phrases all the way through.
I did have one strange instance that made me type in an answer:

I didn’t see any other questions like this. This was the only one. “Butt Sex” didn’t work, but “entertain” seemed to be the correct answer.
Everything else is near identical to Human Body, just reskinned. Collect tacos to get corn (How? Why?), use corn to upgrade the scene with clipart, look at clip art and laugh. Etc. Etc.
The mini-game is different. You play as “Taco Bot 8000” and, despite being a taco bot, you have to dodge tacos that rain from the sky.

The game flippantly refers to the tacos as “water” in the previous screen, and I can’t really describe how much that bothers me:

As strange as this one is, nothing will top the feeling of discovery that came with stumbling upon “Human Body”.
Recommend: Did you like Human Body?
Replay Percentage Chance: 3%
Time Played: Can’t wait for the rest of the week to try… uhh.. glances at PavGames’ page

Habitats pt2?
Have a good night y’all. We’ll be back with more Christmas Countdown and PavGames after this short break.
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