Day 249 - Everything is Coots
Immersive Sim, WTF, Sam is in Ohio ·
Sam’s Take:
You play as a cat, and your job is to do cat-like things. This starts out with jumping on furniture and knocking shit over, and pressing E to meow. For no reason I can discern, you power up your cat abilities by collecting “Cats Against Humanity” cards.

They even perform Cards Against Humanity style sentences when you collect them:

It’s a very strangely structured game. You’ll very quickly unlock laser eyes and at that point you can just right click on anything in the house to destroy it. The last power you unlock is flight, and roughly half the collectable cards in this game need flight to obtain… but there’s no more powers to unlock once you have it, so why are we getting them?
There are also 5 or so rooms behind locked doors that can only be opened via the laser eyes power, but once you have that power you can finish the game in seconds without needing them. I assumed they were set-dressing, and it wasn’t until doing a second run to collect screenshots that I realized I had not seen over half of the explorable house.
Speaking of beating the game, after laser eyeing a few things, you’ll get the power to possess your human. In possession mode, your “E to meow” power is replaced with pressing E to yell “FUCK YOU” and “I HATE YOU” and your screen looks like this:

The game ends when you walk the human to the couch and sit down.

I have many questions. Why are there way more collectables than we need? Why can I feed the cat as the human, when the game is already over (I can just walk to the couch and end the game)? Why do we gain the power of flight after we gain the ability to possess the human and end the game? Whose voice clips keep playing when I laser eye the TV and computer?

Oh, it’s probably Ludwig, and the answer to the other questions is probably “I made it in 48 hours for a game jam”.
I’m flying back from Ohio today and I’m very excited to type/post these reviews on my main computer again instead of this laptop. Also I’m almost not sick anymore. I’m betting I feel better tomorrow. Hopefully. Maybe.
Recommend: No, but not the worst.
Replay Percentage Chance: 0%
Time Played: 15 Minutes
Skeeter’s Take:
I’m assuming the “Ludwig” in the “Ludwig Jam” is the streamer Ludwig, with pretty compelling proof to follow:

I don’t really “get” this game. Like I understand I’m a cat, and I have to destroy the house and get ridiculous powers. I get all that. I don’t really get or click with the humor. I’m wondering if I would be more inclined to enjoy this if I had ever watched a Ludwig stream.
The game runs well, and is more functional than a lot of things we play. I don’t want to sound too mean here, but man I was just so bored and lost interest very quickly. I didn’t like the cat destruction gimmick. I didn’t find it all that entertaining. I don’t know, I am so exhausted right now. It’s probably more a “me” problem than a “game” problem. Sometimes, you just have a day where your brain is dead and has a hard time engaging. I wonder how many games I haven’t recommended just because I was tired or had a bad day? How many games were the inverse? It’s kind of crazy how subjective it all is.
Thankfully Sam finished the game so I just read how it ended and I don’t feel any more incentivized to do that myself.
I think this review might have been better if I had just left it blank.
Have a good night, folks!
Recommend: No
Replay Percentage Chance: 0%
Time Played: 7 minutes
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