Day 23 - Topple!
Driving, WTF, Toilet Humor ·
Skeeter’s Take:
Welcome to Topple! A game where you are a shopping cart trying to gather 10 toilet paper rolls before the other shopping carts. If you hit ten, you win! The game lets you know you’ve won by freezing your screen!
This game is essentially just the “Grab Bag” Mini-Game from Mario Party:

Except in this version, you don’t get to take the coins you’ve just won and use Boo to steal a star from your friend right before the game ends, effectively ruining your friendship for the foreseeable future. I have a theory that Topple! Is actually a meta-commentary on the toilet paper hoarding issue that was taking place during the Covid-19 Pandemic:

I believe this because of three pieces of evidence I have diligently and tirelessly collected in a nice internet list:
1: SHOPPING CARTS Shopping carts were used to haul as much toilet paper as possible during the height of the craze. In this game you play as a shopping cart, trying to collect as much toilet paper as possible. Which brings me to my next point -
2: TOILET PAPER Toilet paper was in high demand, and low supply. Much like the toilet paper you are meant to collect during the game. You probably win Topple! at 10 toilet paper rolls because that most likely was the max limit of rolls you were allowed to purchase from the Devs’ local grocery store.
3: THE DATE Just check out when this game was made:

Coincidence? I think NOT!
Remember kids, it’s only a conspiracy theory if they can prove you wrong, and the Burden of Proof always falls on the person calling you “A crazy conspiracy theorist”. Trust me, I went to Law school. Well, I went to school near Law School, so that basically counts.
Recommend: No
Replay Percentage Chance: 0%
Time Played: 5 Minutes
Sam’s Take:
So winning this game is fairly trivial. Getting hit when you have lots of TP is so punishing, that the most viable strat is to just drive around the outside of the arena and pick up strays, avoiding collisions. This works because the AI all flood together and constantly run into each other, making their totals never go above 4 or 5. Like Pig, this is obviously someone just learning to make games. No one is supposed to see this, but we have a duty! The people need us!
With this in mind, I’m going to run a test. I’m playing some Magic the Gathering with my work buddies tonight, so I’m going to leave this game running. I’ll record it and see if there is a winner by the time I get back. I leave OBS to record the screen so I can check when an AI finally won. Okay, it’s 6:36pm. See y’all in a few hours.
This review sucks.
Recommend: No
Replay Percentage Chance: 0%
Time Played: 10 Minutes
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