Day 227 - The Red-Arsed Reindeer

Skeeter’s Take:

Nothing says “Newgrounds Flash Game from 2005” quite like a repeating and layering distorted background song.

Recommend: No

Replay Percentage Chance: 2005

Time Played: 2005

Sam’s Take:

On top of what Skeeter said, the game seems to run at what we at Flash Forward call “PowerPoint Speeds”, and beating level 4 gives you the level 3 win screen and just loops the 4th level forever:

So to recap, audio is fucked, runs at 2fps, completely broken after level 3. Also did you notice in the screenshot above that it asked if you “passed Leve3”? This is every bad Newgrounds game condensed into one package. Almost impressive. Almost.

Recommend: No

Replay Percentage Chance: No

Time Played: No (yes)

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