Day 201 - Venom the clicker game
Fifty, Idle Clicker, Snake? Snake!? Snaaaake! ·Skeeter’s Take:
This is one of the worst clicker games we’ve played. Not to be a nit-picky little bitch, but the color scheme is more reminiscent of Carnage instead of Venom. Just look at the single JPEG they give you to look at:
At least they included the tongue.
Also, I made it to 1000 points and couldn’t purchase the second upgrade. Bunk.
Recommend: No.
Replay Percentage Chance: Spider-man Spider-man Spider-man
Time Played: Ugh
Sam’s Take:
I only picked this game because I saw Venom 3 yesterday, without having seen Venom 1 or 2.
I honestly recommend going to a bad movie every now and again. Not a “so bad it’s funny” movies, but you’re forgettable 40% on Rotten Tomatoes shlock. I mostly only watch movies that I hear good things about, so it was nice to see something so… obtainable. I could have written many of these scenes better. I don’t feel egotistical for saying that, honestly you, human being reading this, could probably have also written better dialogue. I’m sure it was all brought down by the Hollywood movie machine. I don’t know what producer approval/rewrites this had to go through, I’m not saying these writers are terrible. There’s a host of things that can lead to a bad script, but if you said “write the 3rd Venom movie” and gave me a few months. I could do this.
I won’t, but it’s nice to know.
Recommend: No
Replay Percentage Chance: No
Time Played: No
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