Day 2 - Kero Kero Panic

Kero Kero Panic Title Banner

Sam’s Take:

Okay so first of all, I need you to know my PC did try to protect me from this game:

But as a seasoned downloading random shit off the internet professional, I SLAMMED that run anyway button and was presented with:

Right, so… I do not speak Japanese, but I do know someone that is trying to learn. I hit up my boi Calvin by saying “hey get on Discord” and forcing him to translate my screen with no notice. He did an admirable job of explaining that we are on a TV show, but unfortunately, some of the finer points were lost.

After the opening cutscene was over I was greeted by these smiling faces:

While I’m still fuzzy as to what I was supposed to do, from what I can tell you control six people at once through a Wipeout-style death trap and maybe try to do something until they die. While I’m not totally clear on the win condition (or if there is one) I was able to figure out you can switch who the camera follows with the “E” key, and that pressing space seems to jump roughly 70% of the time.

To be clear, when I say “control six people at once” I mean if you press forward, they will all move forward. Because of this, they will be out of your line of sight and running off the edge of the map in no time, which causes the annoncer to be either happy or sad (hard to tell, Calvin said they said something along the lines of “oh no” when people die, so probably sad).

Towards the end of my playthrough, I figured out you could press the left and right mouse buttons to grab onto things, which might help you do something. Here’s a picture of me holding the bottom of a balloon for example:

Eventually everyone died and I asked Calvin to translate what the end screen said:

He told me it says “your family is dead”.

Recommend: Great Question!

Replay Percentage Chance: 52%

Time Played: 22 mins

Skeeter’s Take:

Much like Sam, I can’t read or speak Japanese. Unlike Sam, I did NOT have a translator to assist me, so let me tell you this was one of the more challenging parts of the game:

THE MAIN MENU. I thought about this for longer than I should have. Normally, I would assume the left hand button would be “Play”, but that’s from my American pickled brain perspective, and I’m pretty sure the Japanese read right to left, perhaps their game menus would follow the same logic? Sure, it’s a 50/50, and I could have brute forced my way through, but I wasn’t about to lose to the Main Menu. I took a deep breath, and clicked the left button.

I had won! I had beaten the main menu and after a short intro video with some Roblox men was over, I was met with this:

I felt accomplished. I could read at least one word on the screen - the American educational system didn’t let me down there. I’m sure somewhere in that short intro video there might have been some explanation of the rules, or the controls, or your goal in this game, but for me I may as well be blindfolded on a roller coaster with no safety bars. From what I can gather, this is a video game adaptation of the hit board game “Mouse Trap”, but the script is flipped, the mice are angry, and have used Rick Moranis’ “Honey-I-Shrunk-the-Kids” machine to get bloody revenge on their owners. Moving on for fear that the last reference might have dated me, I ran around controlling 6 people simultaneously in a beautiful synchronized wiggle. We were dodging balls, spinning on moving surfaces, and falling off cliffs.

At first I was like:

But then I was like:

Soon, I was like:

But then I was like:

Pretty soon, I was like:

But that soon shifted and I was like:

Finally, I learned to stop worrying and love the madness. And then… I was like:

P.S. I eventually did go back and click the right button on the main menu and it CLOSED THE GAME. I win again, Main Menu, bye bye.

Recommend: I had no idea what was happening, but I had fun in the confusion. Maybe you’ll have fun too. It’s free, so why not. (You may get more distance out of this if you can read Japanese)

Replay Percentage Chance: 25%

Time Played: 12 and ¼ minutes

Link to Game

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