Day 196 - Line Miner

Skeeter’s Take:

I’m going to show you the controls to this game, and then a screenshot of the single level of the game.

I have faith you can figure the rest out from there.

Recommend: No

Replay Percentage Chance: Bo-omb

Time Played: 60 Seconds

Sam’s Take:

You just run into walls until the game tells you that you’ve won. The bombs don’t move and you have 3 lives, so you’d have to run into 3 out of 4 of them to actually lose the game. This doesn’t feel like a completed project, it feels more like a game test game2 at3 game.

Ohhh, nm that checks out then.

Recommend: This is the only game I’ve played with a serial number.

Replay Percentage Chance: s3608900

Time Played: The more information button does not help my understanding

Link to Game

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