Day 180 - Turn Off The Lights
Skeeter’s Take:
A lot of these horror games we’ve played/sifted through follow a similar formula. That is, do something mundane in a house and then something scary happens involving an intruder or monster. Turn Off the Lights is the epitome of this formula. I will give it props for not using the PS1 aesthetic and trying something more realistic.
It’s pretty simple. The player makes a bowl of ramen (of which figuring out took the majority of my playthrough), watches TV:

And then they do their homework and go to bed. Upon waking up in the night, the player finds a Lord Farquaad stalking them from within their home. The player can run and hide in the closet, or the player can be cool and radical and face the Farquaad for the sake of a screenshot:

I feel my sacrifice was worth it.
Recommend: no
Replay Percentage Chance: 0%
Time Played: 10 minutes cooking ramen
Sam’s Take:

I’ve downloaded many games, and only twice has Windows stopped me from opening the folder. I’m not taking the risk on this one, do what you will.
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Recommend: Virus
Replay Percentage Chance: Virus%
Time Played: None
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