Day 160 - Late Night Mop

Skeeter’s Take:

Hey y’all, I’ve got to get real for a second. This daily review project has gone on for 160 days and Sam and I still aren’t multi-millionaires and my funds are dry. I decided to pick up a job cleaning houses to help pay rent while Sam and I await Bezos status.

Listen, the problem is my boss is a real dick. Last night he interrupted my nightly Leno session and called me up out of the blue to go and clean some house that he and his buddies trashed. I can’t say no, it’s my first week here and I need to pay some bills. I can only afford this old phone I found at a Thrift Store and thankfully a landline plan is going for dirt cheap these days.

My Multi-Purpose Table/Bed! Just add a pillow and watch this baby transform!
My Multi-Purpose Table/Bed! Just add a pillow and watch this baby transform!

The Uber picks me up and we make the half-hour drive into town. I asked him to take the pot holes easy as I was queasy. I must have clocked out along the way because I woke up in the hallway of the house - man it was dark in there.

What’s strange is as soon as I got into the house, my thoughts were louder somehow. I could almost read them. They were trying to get me to remember how to move using something called a WASD. I don’t know what a WASD is but I knew these weren’t my thoughts. It felt like something was trying to guide me.

It told me to grab a mop, and I did! It told me to clean a stain, and I did!

Finally, the motion sensing lights clicked on and I could see the place for the first time - man, my boss had really trashed the place. Not to mention, someone shit on the floor of the bathroom. Homie made it all the way to the bathroom and decided “naw, right here is good”

I wasn’t getting hazard pay, and I hadn’t taken my feces-born-pathogens class yet, so I figured the safest thing to do was to leave it for the professionals. That voice still hadn’t died down. I now was aware this was the office, and it needed a key. Very cool. Well, since that room is locked I doubt anybody went into it. Probably don’t need to clean in there either.

The kitchen was pretty bad, but to be fair, I don’t really know where these people keep their utensils. I have never seen a rug in a kitchen and it’s covered in different liquids. Perhaps they store liquids in their rug for later use? Everything looked good from my perspective.

That voice kept guiding me to the trash can. It kept telling me I needed to find Trash. Too bad all I could find was recycling, like cans and bottles. I figured my boss was saving them to turn into 5 cents later, so like they say to do with lost children, I left them exactly where they were so he could easily find them upon return.

Here’s where you guys are going to stop believing me. I promise you, it was 100% real and I didn’t smell gas when I was in the house so there’s no way it was a gas leak. I don’t have any pictures because I was too scared and it all happened so fast, but you have to believe me!

So, I make my way to the hallway to try to find any mess that I could safely deal with. I’m starting to get angry at my boss for sending me out to this job that has nothing for me to do, so late at night.

I find a key that my brian text friend tells me is the Office Key. It’s strange. It’s just sitting out on display on a cabinet. I pick it up, and turn around to go check out the office and I see a thing watching me. I swear to God guys, it was like that Momo image but way real and way spooky - here I drew what he look liked for you:

He wasn’t smiling, and was actually really scary.
He wasn’t smiling, and was actually really scary.

I shouted “FUCK” and he disappeared out of the door frame. I chased him out to the room and found nothing. He had vanished.

At this point, the house was already clean, basically. I had put in a full night of work and my adrenaline was secreting through every pore of my body. I did what any sane person would do - I RAN TO THE DOOR. I GOT THE FUCK OUT.

This next part is going to be even harder to believe, but I swear to my Jesus in Heaven that it happened. As I was approaching the front door, A GIANT SCARY RED FACE JUMPED OUT AT ME AND MADE A REALLY LOUD NOISE. I wasn’t scared, because I’m really tough, but it did make me very surprised to the point where it might have looked like I was scared, but in reality I was actually not. It was just surprising. It looked like this:

He wasn’t actually smiling, but he had his mouth there and it was very real and very scary
He wasn’t actually smiling, but he had his mouth there and it was very real and very scary

As soon as he had appeared, he vanished.

That was all the confirmation I needed, I had completed my job here. They were not paying me enough to clean up freaking monsters and ghosts.

Even my text brain parasite agreed:

So yeah, I get home and call my Boss and tell him what happened. He’s pissed. He’s saying I made it all up, that there was no ghost, that I didn’t even fucking clean the place, and that I’m fired.

I’m so fed up with toxic work cultures. They are always blaming their employees for the company’s faults.

But for real, if you could give him a call and tell him you believe me, that would help me a lot. I really need to pay rent and honestly, this table is starting to do permanent damage to my spine. Hell, you don’t even have to say you believe me - just give him a call and say you were my old boss and you’d like to give a recommendation on what a hard and extremely honest worker I am, I think that would work too.

Thanks in advance.

Regretfully yours,


Recommend: No

Replay Percentage Chance: 15%

Time Played: 6 minutes

Sam’s Take:

Hey Tristaniel HOW ABOUT YOU STAY IN YOUR FUCKING LANE! Skeeter and I had this idea first and we’re going to become multi-millionaires off this shit, SO SIT DOWN, SHUT UP, AND MAKE SCREAMY YOUTUBE CLICKBAIT LIKE EVERYONE ELSE!!!!

Anyway, Late Night Mop was a frustrating and unenjoyable experience from start to finish. The atmosphere, which is crucial for any horror game, was so weak and unengaging that I found myself bored almost immediately. It lacked the tension or eerie mood needed to create any genuine fear or excitement.

The jump scares were cliché and entirely predictable. They failed to deliver any real shock, feeling more like cheap tricks that were telegraphed far in advance. It became repetitive very quickly, and the lack of creativity left me feeling like I had seen it all before.

The gameplay itself is mind-numbingly tedious. Cleaning floors and throwing out trash sounds dull, and trust me, it is. The tasks were so repetitive and uninspired that they sucked whatever life the game had left right out of it.

The only redeeming quality is the game’s decent graphics, but even that gets overshadowed by how awful the monster looked. It completely ruined any tension the game attempted to build.

Overall, I’d give Late Night Mop a 1/10—not even the visuals could save this one.

Recommend: This is just creepy noise into jumpscare. I do not understand how people still make/enjoy this shit.

Replay Percentage Chance: Ask Tristaniel

Time Played: 9 Minutes

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