Day 150 - IT201_Quiz2_AmreenKaur_Bhatia
Homework, Sorry Skeeter, Immersive Sim ·
Sam’s Take:
I think we have peaked in terms of “we aren’t supposed to be playing this”. Usually when I say that, I just mean it is someone learning to make games, and the process of creating and posting is more for their personal journey rather than for us to analyze/enjoy them. This time I clicked “games” then “most recent” and accidently found someone’s undergraduate college quiz.

As a homework assignment, Amreen could be in a tiny bit of trouble. It has some nice shading, but there is some issue with the rotation where the speed at which you move the slider affects how far the cube rotates, meaning I can have a different cube image paired with the same rotation number.

There’s also the fact that if you haven’t rotated the cube at all yet, it says “new text” above the cube:

I’m hoping AmreenKaur_Bhatia’s professor has to grade a billion of these and doesn’t notice these issues. This was just posted 8 minutes ago as of writing this, so it probably hasn’t been graded yet. We’re rootin’ for you AmeerKaur_Bhatia!

Recommend: Only if you’re AmreenKaur_Bhatia’s professor
Replay Percentage Chance: 0%
Time Played: 25 seconds
Skeeter’s Take:

Recommend: No, but good luck Ameer!
Replay Percentage Chance: 0%
Time Played: 30 seconds
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