Day 131 - Tsuna Lost His Underwear

Sam’s Take:

I got my Covid shot again today. I tend to react pretty badly to them and so I wanted to do a quick easy review before the inevitable vomiting started. I sorted by most recent and saw the name “Tsuna Lost His Underwear”. Perfect, funny title, probably not too much going on, an easy choice for the day.

Fortunately, I was correct that there wasn’t much going on. Unfortunately, there are no funny bits to take from this game apart from the title. It’s just a boring memory game.

There’s a blank leaderboard, a multiplayer button that does nothing, and an about page that is just asking for donations. Sorry for the boring game Skeeter, but at least we get to have this excellent title on our front page now.

Recommend: Nope

Replay Percentage Chance: 0%

Time Played: Played: 3 Minutes

Skeeter’s Take:

On Day 131 Sam made us play a memory game solely featuring an anime dude’s underwear.

Recommend: My Sunday has been made considerably worse

Replay Percentage Chance: -0%

Time Played: 5 Minutes

Link to Game

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